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Heaven Looks a Lot Like New Jersey

I am normally super organized, scheduling things in manageable times. Except for last week. Somehow, I ended up with a crazy 3 days before Christmas. Of course there was the normal last minute shopping, prepping for dinner, etc. Then Jon Bon Jovi happened. There was...

Willie Nelson and Other Stories

November…Whew, I still can’t believe it’s November. If time does indeed fly, I feel like it supersonically jetted from September to this moment…I’ve had a birthday, traveled to Nashville, and recorded my second single (and an EP of five songs which will be released in...

Amazing Grace

It’s strange how life and inspiration are intrinsically tied together in my world. There are moments where I’m in the Zone, and the world is full of metaphors, and song titles are as plentiful as leaves on a tree. And then, life shuts off the sunlight for a while, and...